Some of the most frequent questions our users ask are covered here.
Q: I have transferred EQ tokens to Moonbeam but don’t see them in my Metamask wallet. What should I do?
A: You need to add xcEQ to Metamask. Here is a quick guide:
Select Moonbeam network
Click "import tokens"
Select "custom token"
Paste 0xFFFFFFFF8F6267E040D8A0638C576DFBA4F0F6D6 in "token contract address"
Click "add custom token"
Q: I have transferred EQ tokens to Ethereum but don’t see them in my Metamask wallet. What should I do?
A: You need to add erc-20 EQ tokens to Metamask. Here is a quick guide:
Select Ethereum network
Click "import tokens"
Select "custom token"
Paste 0xA5eDE2FEE620ac3d68065EC01F26F9dd99850B82 in "token contract address"
Click "add custom token"
Q: What is sibling2004?
A: Moonbeam's sovereign address in Equilibrium parachain will show up as "sibling:2004" in explorer when withdrawing EQ to Moonbeam network. This is due to the way addresses are encoded for scalability purposes.
Q: Will I earn APR with only EQ staking?
A: No, staking EQ does not earn EQ rewards directly. Instead it multiplies EQ farming rewards earned in other pools.
Q: Infinite loading screen with cube and "Please wait..."
A: Clear browser cash and add a different Moonbeam node (try https://rpc.ankr.com/moonbeam). If this does not solve the issue, try other nodes from this list. Reinstalling Metamask might help as well. If none of the above works, please contact support on Discord here
Q: How to withdraw EQ from Borrow
A: You can withdraw your EQ by submitting a transaction manually using the following guide:
Go here
Select your account. You might need to clear cache and reinstall Polkadot.js extension for your account to be detected
Select “subaccounts” in “submit the following extrinsic” field
Select “Borrower” in subaccType
Input 25969 in “asset: u64 (Asset)”
Input desired amount in “amount:128 (balance)” and add nine zeros to it (fraction).
Click “Submit transaction”
Here is an example of what the submit extrinsic page should look like:
Q: I participated in a Republic event, where I can claim my tokens?
A: Navigate to Earn - Pools - EQ Staking - My staking or use the direct link: https://app.equilibrium.io/earn/eq-staking
Q: Where can I find my crowdloan rewards?
A: Navigate to More - Allocation or use direct link
Q: How long do Moonbeam and ETH withdrawals/deposits take?
A: Please allow up to 15 mins for Moonbeam withdrawals and up to 60 mins for Ethereum transactions to go through.
Q: Why does my collateral decrease when I borrow assets against it?
A: This happens if a user doesn't have EQ tokens in the borrower account. Please make sure to always keep EQ in the borrower account to pay interest fees.
Q: How much EQ should I keep in my borrower account?
A: To get an estimate of how much EQ would be taken from account please refer to Interest rates model section
Q: I can not claim EQ from NUT swap in "Allocation". What should I do?
A: You need to copy the error message, sign it externally and paste back in using the following guide:
Copy message to clipboard
Delete "TEST" from the message
Paste the signed message
Q: I have withdrawn my assets to an exchange but they haven't arrived. What should I do? A: Do not withdraw assets directly to an exchange. Always withdraw to your Polkadot wallet first otherwise you will lose the assets.
Last updated
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